The City of Decatur’s One Decatur Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee has finalized its year in review of 2021 objectives and goals. A Year in Review From historic housing growth to booming development from Decatur’s downtown, numerous objectives from the One…
The past year has certainly been a whirlwind for all of us. 2020 brought with it unexpected change and a resiliency we rediscovered as a community. Despite it all, the One Decatur Steering Committee has continued to achieve milestones through…

The value of telling our community the impact of the OneDecatur is critical in helping the public understand how the comprehensive plan will help guide our city for the next generation. As part of that effort, the OneDecatur Status Update…

OneDecatur – the city’s community based and community built comprehensive plan with the interest of moving The River City forward – continues to serve as a roadmap for progress in Decatur. The six-part plan focuses on critical quality of life…

Over 100 people attended the two public meetings on November 8, 2018 to learn about the zoning code update process and share their ideas. This was the first public opportunity to provide input into the updated zoning code process. If you…

Updating the zoning ordinance is one of the most important steps to implement the recently adopted citywide plan. Join one of the upcoming code discussions to: Provide input that will help proactively guide development in the City. Learn how the zoning…